Samsung smart watch image leaked!

‘Samsung smartwatch to click photos, send email’ - The Times of India - Edited


Samsung’s new Galaxy Gear smart watch supports a large (3 inch) rectangular design, with the slight resemblance of a small Galaxy S3 (due to it’s curved edges).  Samsung are expected to officially reveal the new device on September 4th, at a major technology event.  The watch is set to be a real rival to Sony’s new smart watch, to be announced in the near future.  From what we understand, the device will include an integrated 3MP camera, internet access, calling functionality, preloaded android apps, S voice commands and a 10 hour battery life.   Further specs and information is not yet known.  However, what we do know is Samsung haven’t compromised functionality for a small or elegant design, and have packed many features into the watch as possible.  Rumours suggest Sony have gone for a smaller design, with the watch being more of a phone companion, as opposed to a standalone device.  We have to wait for both devices to be fully announced to pose a judgement, but we can’t help thinking, Samsung could’ve done a little better with the design. After all, the aesthetics of a watch are far from irrelevant!

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